$4.1m cocaine in suitcase

FIND: Cocaine valued at $4.1m found in this suitcase at a boatyard in Carenage on Wednesday night. PHOTO COURTESY TTPS - TTPS
FIND: Cocaine valued at $4.1m found in this suitcase at a boatyard in Carenage on Wednesday night. PHOTO COURTESY TTPS - TTPS

Cocaine worth an estimated $4.1 million was discovered by officers of the Western Division and Defence Force

personnel, during a Joint Army-Police Patrol exercise in the Carenage district on Wednesday night.

The exercise, spearheaded by Ag Snr Supt Mark, included officers of the Carenage Police Station and saw them going to a boatyard, where they observed three men who on seeing the officers, fled the scene.

A search of the area was made and resulted in officers finding 10.4 kilos of cocaine, wrapped in ten packets inside a black

suitcase. Investigations are ongoing.



"$4.1m cocaine in suitcase"

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