Hosein: Regional corps ready for rainy season

Kazim Hosein
Kazim Hosein

APPROXIMATELY 2.5 million metres of box drains have been cleaned, coupled with a tree cutting exercise to clear public spaces of any potential threat to life or property, and aimed at preventing flooding during the rainy season.

This was revealed last week by Minister of Rural Development and Local Government Kazim Hosein.

The minister said the cleaning of watercourses is also taking place. The clearing of illegal dump sites was also a priority as indiscriminate dumping of garbage blocks watercourses and contributes to flash flooding, he said.

“The ministry is making all necessary provisions to mitigate any adverse effects during the rainy season. The ministry together with its 14 municipal corporations has been working tirelessly to prepare for the 2019 rainy season,” Hosein said, adding:

“The ministry has been at the forefront of disaster relief efforts by collaborating with the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management, the Ministry of National Security and the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services to bring back a sense of normalcy to lives of citizens after major flooding.”


Hosein said his ministry understands what the ramifications of natural disasters are and will therefore continue to provide disaster management training via its Community Emergency Response Team volunteer training programme.

He said participants are trained to provide first-responder support in the event of a disaster through emergency medical operations, sandbag wall construction and search and rescue operations.

He said the training has been ongoing in municipalities prone to flooding and is co-ordinated by the ministry’s Disaster Management Units in each corporation.

Hosein added: “The municipal corporations continue to offer bulk and white waste (re­frig­er­a­tors, stoves and oth­er elec­tron­ic house­hold ap­pli­ances) removal, rodent baiting and mosquito spraying through its Public Health Units.

“I want to reassure the public that our disaster management personnel are trained and equipped to mobilise and co-ordinate first responders, manage community shelters, co-ordinate relief activities during a natural disaster, assist in assessment exercises to facilitate grant applications offered by other government agencies, and, most importantly, to assist affected residents so they are not cut off from other areas.” He urged citizens to remain vigilant and get prepared, especially those residing in flood-prone areas. Hosein also advised people to secure their personal documents, put together an emergency kit with first aid and basic food supplies, as well as pay attention to weather alerts during this period.


"Hosein: Regional corps ready for rainy season"

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