Mitchell: New security arrangements for tourists
Tourists visiting TT can look forward to new measures aimed at ensuring their safety as Tourism Minister Randall Mitchell, National Security Minister Stuart Young and parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of National Security Glenda Jennings-Smith met yesterday at the Ministry of National Security, Abercromby Street, to discuss what could be done to better protect visitors.
According to a release issued by the Ministry of Tourism, the meeting was held at the request of Mitchell in light of Boxing Day's robbery and assault of 72-year-old British tourist Sally Wilson and her husband Michael.
Mitchell said the meeting agreed that “one robbery was one too many,” and “planning and discussions between the cruise officers at the ministry and the police will continue.” He said that would be done “with a view to eliminating shortcomings or potential shortcomings in the security arrangements.”
Among the issues discussed in the meeting was the need for a more efficient and pleasant experience for visitors being processed at TT's points of entry during the Carnival season.
The release said the ministers agreed the immigration officer was the first point of contact with visitors to a country and was the first opportunity to make a good impression.
"Mitchell: New security arrangements for tourists"