No respect for Tobagonians

THE EDITOR: The Government has done a disservice to the people of Tobago. How long are we to bear the losses and inconvenience that have resulted because of the situation at the port?

The casual references to the situation reflect an attitude of “there are more important issues to deal with, this can wait.”

The local authority is saying and or doing nothing. Is there any respect for the large number of people (small businesses especially) who earn their livelihood by providing goods and services to the Tobago market, and for the length of time we have been suffering?

In addition there is a ripple effect in other areas. Providers of other services, tradesmen etc, are also being affected, as when they have to go to Trinidad to obtain goods or services unavailable in Tobago they are left stranded, sometimes for days, in Trinidad.

It is said that the people of Tobago have “long memories.” I hope at the appropriate time this situation will be remembered.


JOHN HACKETT via e-mail


"No respect for Tobagonians"

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