Agri-training for URP, CEPEP workers

Workers with the Unemployment Relief Programme (URP) and the Community-based Environmental Protection and Enhancement Programme (CEPEP) are being trained in agricultural practices to help speed up growth of sector.

Food Production Secretary Hayden Spencer said the Division has partnered with the Division of Community Development, Enterprise Development and Labour and the Division of Infrastructure, Quarries and the Environment to deliver the training. CEPEP and URP fall under those respective Divisions.

A technical committee has also been set up to guide URP workers in their agricultural activities, as well for site selection for crops, production practices and marketing.

“We continue to assist them in the areas of training generally, in the areas of crop production, livestock, agro processing and value chain development,” Spencer said at last week Wednesday’s post Executive Council media briefing at the Administrative Complex in Calder Hall.

“So far the Division would have issued to the URP 1,000 cassava sticks, which they would have planted. So we are guiding them in areas of crop selection for both short term, medium term and long term production,” he added.


Spencer said the Division also provides support and technical to farmers and the fishing community.

He said the Food Crop Production Unit has reported an increase in ruminant animal production (specifically goats, sheep and rabbits), as well as poultry.


"Agri-training for URP, CEPEP workers"

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