End of race politics in TT?

THE EDITOR: “Politics based on race, ethnicity or religion is ‘low politics’ and serves only to limit the potential of constituencies represented by such politicians and, therefore, the nation as a whole.”

This warning came more than five years ago from former planning minister Dr Bhoe Tewarie as he gave the feature address at an inter-religious thanksgiving service.

It is easy to criticise Satnarayan Maharaj’s stance on certain issues but it is my hope that recent statements made by the leader of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha will bring an end to the politics of race and division in our multicultural nation and create a different environment for political parties.

He said, “We are asking Hindus to free their vote. Vote for whichever party has the best programme. Vote for whichever candidate is the best candidate. Not because they are Hindu or Indian or woman. The Hindu vote is going to be freed up. No more voting because you belong to the same race.”

A refreshing new dynamic is on the horizon as political parties are now being challenged to neglect the race card and attempt to appeal to voters based on sound policies and common-sense strategies that have the ability to develop our nation and make us an economic force to be reckoned with, a happy people and a country that has crime under control.




"End of race politics in TT?"

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