Cops bring peace to Longdenville

THE EDITOR: I commend the officers of the Longdenville Police Station for their prompt response to a report of excessive noise and disturbance of the peace on the night of May 6 at London Street, Longdenville.

Music was being blasted at an excessively loud level from a green van parked directly in front of the home of an 82-year-old person. The noise level was so high that windows and doors of nearby houses were vibrating.

People could barely carry on a conversation in their own homes or even on the phone.

While I understand that an event was taking place, the loud music went on for many hours, affecting particularly the elderly, babies, as well as animals.

I made a report to the police station and was pleased that they responded within minutes and even stayed for half an hour to ensure the situation was under control.


Kudos to the police for their quick response and for a job well done.

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"Cops bring peace to Longdenville"

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