No Govt support for world congress

THE EDITOR: April 15 was the last day of a five-day conference – the International Society of Radiographer and Radiology Technicians (ISRRT) 20th World Congress – held at the Hyatt Regency and hosted by the Society of Radiographers of TT (SRTT).

What an honour that the small island of Trinidad was chosen to host this prestigious event, joining an elite list of hosts such as South Korea, Finland and Canada. So why no support?

With over 55 countries represented and 447 delegates present to speak and learn about the latest and greatest in diagnostic imaging, you would think this would be a ripe opportunity for someone in the Ministry of Health to jump in and get some inspiration. Apparently, that was too much to ask.

Facing innumerable challenges to host this event, the organising committee spent the last six years begging and pleading for support from anyone who was willing to help. Not one penny was given.

Walking into the event the stand-out sponsors were Biomedical Technology Ltd, a local company and the American Society of Radiologic Technologists. Where were Costatt, UTT or the UWI Medical School? Even worse, where was the Ministry of Health? After speaking with many people during the conference, it was disheartening to hear the stories of the visitors and exhibitors who explained how trying it was to get into the country due to immigration or customs interrogating them for hours, even after explaining they were here for the conference.


Some exhibitors even remarked how disrespectful it was of the Minister of Health to not even show up and help in opening the event after assuring his presence the week previously.

So, with no financial help, no medicinal help and no physical help, the conference came off successfully. But where was the support? Was the opening of Stollmeyer’s Castle that important? From all the opinions given during and after the event, this was one of the best congresses ever. We “Trinis sure know how to lime,” as stated by the former president of the ISRRT during her closing speech. We are a warm people, a welcoming people.

From the social event which showed our culture, heritage and passions to the gala event which displayed our aim of having fun, even in a suit, all attendees enjoyed their time despite or even in spite of the lack of support and assistance from the Government.

This was a perfect opportunity for both the Minister of Health and the Prime Minister to show some interest, to show their willingness, their support.

Instead of crying the Government has no money, but paying settlements and medical bills for non-functional ministers. Was this not an event worth sponsoring, to help support?

To the SRTT team, I applaud you. Despite the lack of support and the lack of presence from both the politicians and the media you have hosted a spectacular event that will always be remembered by those who attended, and for that you deserve the highest praise.


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"No Govt support for world congress"

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