Send strong crime message

THE EDITOR: India has taken it to another level when it come to dealing with the rape of children. The death penalty is now on the table.

Realising what is taking place and the amount of children being raped, Prime Minister Narendra Modi decided enough is enough and called an emergency meeting to address the problem.

I continue to believe that one of the main deterrents to serious crime is the penalty associated with it. If people know they can do wrong and there is a great possibility they will get away with it or the penalty is “a small thing,” they will continue to commit crime, including rape and murder.

Some of our citizens believe that a few years in prison is no big thing. And yes, I know that it will take a combination of things to reduce crime in TT but we can start by letting the criminals know that prison is no vacation and that the death penalty is still law.

India stepped up to send a strong message about child rape to all who think they can sexually assault children and spend a few years in jail.


TT too must wake up and smell the coffee and act before it is too late. Let those who continue to murder and rape, destroying the lives of innocent citizens, feel the full force of the law.



"Send strong crime message"

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