Lawyers write judge on property tax ruling

LAWYERS for the State have written to the high court judge who presided over the property tax lawsuit asking for the date for her ruling.

Attorney Diane Katwaroo, who appears with a team of attorneys for the State in the legal challenge brought by former People’s Partnership minister Devant Maharaj, last Friday wrote to Justice Jacqueline Wilson’s judicial support officer (JSO), enquiring about the date for the ruling.

“I would be grateful if you can kindly indicate whether a date has been set for the delivery of judgment in the captioned matter.” At the end of the trial in October, Wilson reserved her ruling and her JSO, in an e-mail to attorneys on February 8, indicated that the judge had set the, “end of February” for delivery of her judgment.

Last November, minister in the Ministry of Finance Allyson West said three legal actions – Maharaj’s and two other challenges on the constitutionality of the tax – had stymied the government’s progress in implementing the tax. Earlier this month, government passed amendments to the Property Tax Bill and the Valuation of Land Bill, despite attacks from the opposition, which accused it of hijacking the Parliament by not allowing members to contribute fully to the debate.

This was rejected by Leader of Government Business in the House of Representatives, Camille Robinson-Regis. In his lawsuit Maharaj is challenging the validity of the enforcement of the tax.



"Lawyers write judge on property tax ruling"

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