More than a woman to stop the sweetness
THE EDITOR: On Monday, Wayne Chance, in a very respectable and gentlemanly way, admonished Machel Montano — via Radio i95.5FM — for his performance at the Tribe/Red Ants’ Stumped fete at the Queen’s Park Oval on Saturday night.
A newspaper report stated that soca artiste Montano advised the “massive compliant audience to disregard the police advice to seek permission before ‘thiefing a wine’ and ‘find somebody to jam.’”
Montano’s advice re wining on somebody was to seek forgiveness rather than permission. Morality aside, this flies in the face of legally acceptable behaviour.
It has however put the spotlight on the further denigration of an aspect of TT’s culture that must be reversed, ie, the lack of respect for the women in our society — our mothers, sisters, tanties, nennens, macomeres and grannies.
The highest office in the land, President, will soon be held by Justice Paula Mae Weekes. She will become our first female President. Her track record elicited glowing tributes from all sectors of society with an expectation of a leadership style in keeping with her experience, training, knowledge and demeanour.
TT looks forward to this appointment, which should, among other things, herald a cultural change, particularly regarding the respect afforded our women.
The article referred to earlier was headlined, “Machel: We go take lockup.” Even though it highlighted Montano’s behaviour and the fact that ASP Michael Jackman had said “it is an insult to touch someone without their consent and could lead to an arrest,” the writer thought it necessary to point out that when Montano “is in this sort of tempestuous free-spirited mood he is at his best” and “the fete is sweeter!”
Frankly speaking, it will take more than a woman President to change the mindset of citizens who see sweetness on the Me Too highway.
JOHN HENRY, Petit Valley
"More than a woman to stop the sweetness"