Close schools Carnival week

THE EDITOR: The week of Carnival, Monday to Friday, should be a holiday from school as the feteing parents do not intend to take their children to school on Ash Wednesday.
Call it Carnival break or whatever, and make the school term one week longer before schools close for the Easter or July-August holidays.
Why are we fighting about everything?
The Chaguaramas Development Authority has been ordered by the High Court to allow the Chaguaramas Military History and Aerospace Museum have access to the property where it has operated for numerous years.
All the taxpayers' money wasted on those numerous government enquiries should end. Only the lawyers are benefiting, not the population, who are never informed of the results anyway.
Instead, use the taxpayers' money on improving our water supply and roads, building new schools, providing better health benefits, and diversifying the economy.
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"Close schools Carnival week"