Time for dominance of few to end

Steve Alvarez -
Steve Alvarez -

THE EDITOR: A few articles grasped my attention recently.

One was how Jamaica improved its economy through co-operation between the government and opposition. Together they were able to act in the best interest of Jamaica.

The second was a story of a poor guy from Barbados who struggled to become a pilot and the challenges he faced simply because he was black.

There was another that spoke about another black man who felt betrayed by the teachings of The World Tomorrow by Hubert W Armstrong.

Once again, I was painfully aware that in our struggles all men are considered equal, but some are more equal than others. George Orwell in his novel Animal Farm was exceedingly correct in the phrase, “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”


In TT the people are struggling with providing the basics for their families, there is a feeling of vulnerability in many communities due to high levels of crime. The youth do not have access to modern sporting facilities. The education system struggles with basics like clean, comfortable classrooms, and healthcare faces a plethora of challenges.

Despite the common struggles, the population remains divided by politics. That division is now raising its ugly head in both major political parties. Why? one may ask. Perhaps it is because those who see themselves as “more equal” continue to take advantage of the others who are unable to stand for anything.

Why is it so hard for the many who know that within their political parties the elite, the power brokers, are only interested in maintaining their position of power and do not care about the majority.

Recent world events have shown that the poor, the vulnerable are pawns to be sacrificed. The world and major media have demonstrated that in this world some people’s lives are more important than others. That is very clear in TT where the leaders of the two major political parties, oblivious to the plight of others, continue to reign supreme, ignoring the popular desires of their membership.

I have always been struggling for a better life for the poor. Perhaps mainly because I have never been rich and continue to struggle for sustenance to this day. But I cannot be bought. I cannot compromise on trinkets handed down to a few so that the “more equal” can continue their dominance.

Today is the day, now is the time for the ordinary people to unite, to not allow the few to use our racial and political differences to divide us, and act in the best interest of TT.

There is a political vehicle that unites us all. Let us get on board and let the few know that we will not continue to be manipulated. Let hope reign supreme. The brave five opposition members must unite with the dissatisfied of the other side and let the unity begin.


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"Time for dominance of few to end"

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