Another campaign of bald-faced lies


THE EDITOR: It is said that Satan is the father of lies. In fact, it is his chief stock in trade, by which he deceives the whole world and leads whom he can to be accomplices in their own destruction.

Many of the world's greatest evils have as their foundation the greatest of lies, and the slavery that Africans endured at the hands of Europe provides a classic example of this.

In order to be able to kidnap a whole race of people, to snatch them from their homes, to transport them under hellish conditions across a vast ocean with the consequence that countless souls perished in the process, to put them to forced labour in the event that they made it to the other side, and then to claim ownership of generations of their progeny in perpetuity, one had to convince oneself that one's clear crimes and heinous evils were indeed permissible. This could only be done by lying to yourself and others.

The European enslavement of Africans is built on two great and all-pervasive lies. (1) The European is superior to all other races. (2) The African is inferior to all other races.

These lies are wreaking havoc even up to today. This is so because indoctrination in them was so efficiently and comprehensively conducted. It is not just that the African psyche was shaped by that campaign of deception but the European himself bought his own misinformation into the bargain. And so did the entire world.


Each Emancipation Day we try to remember and celebrate the worthiness of Africans from Africa, both ancient and modern. Perhaps we may also throw in a smattering of accolades for slaves who militarily resisted the slave masters, or colonials who resisted the rulers in Europe. All that is well and good. However, we are missing a trick.

Remember, the whole world's psyche has been affected by lies. Not just the African's. TT was built by many people of African descent, among others. Very many people of African descent contributed richly to our development in every sphere, and to our special flavour which is celebrated and even emulated worldwide.

Here, however, the African is afraid to even lift his voice and speak of his multitude of accomplishments, lest he be deemed to be political. In fact, it is encouraged, accepted and applauded when anyone, including the African, boldly questions, casts aspersions at, minimises, denies and outright denigrates anything that an African has done to benefit this land.

As a result of this new campaign, built on bald-faced lies and open hostility, a picture has emerged of the TT African. He is a criminal, incompetent at governing, stupid at his job, only interested in partying, a parasite on the country, fully dunce. Most certainly, he is inferior to all other races, just as we have always been told. Isn't he?


San Fernando


"Another campaign of bald-faced lies"

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