Port of Spain City Corporation acting CEO alleges assault at sports day

Port of Spain City Hall. -File photo
Port of Spain City Hall. -File photo

THE acting CEO of the Port of Spain City Corporation is threatening to take legal action for assault, battery and defamation.

Victoria Allum’s attorney, Adita Ramkissoon, issued a pre-action protocol letter on July 31. In it, she alleged the incident arose at the corporation’s sports and family day event on July 20. The alleged offender was said to have acted in a disrespectful, frightening and obscene manner, using derogatory statements towards Allum.

Ramkissoon said Allum was threatened with physical attack and assault despite her pleas and also had to “brace for further protection” in self-defence.

The letter claimed the person had to be restrained by others. It also said allegations were made against Allum in the presence of others at the event.

“As a result of the said incident, my client has since suffered complications as it relates to her mental health. She encounters sleeplessness, nightmares, fear and an overall hindrance to her daily life both professionally and in a personal capacity.”


Ramkissoon said the direct and intentional action of “accosting and making gestures,” frightened Allum and led her to believe she was going to be injured.

“Your actions of angrily touching my client in an attempt to remove her hands from protecting/blocking her face from your harm constitutes a battery committed against her.

“Your actions were unwelcomed, unlawful and not acceptable conduct of daily life.”

Ramkissoon maintained the allegations made against Allum were “baseless and false” and were “clearly malicious” intending to bring her into disrepute.

She said as a public official, Allum was embarrassed by the statements as they “besmirched” her reputation.

Allum is demanding a written apology and an oral apology. She also wants the person to desist from making further slander and defamatory statements, otherwise she will file a claim for damages. The person was given 28 days to respond.


"Port of Spain City Corporation acting CEO alleges assault at sports day"

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