Mickela Panday for PM in 2025?

Mickela Panday - ROGER JACOB
Mickela Panday - ROGER JACOB

THE EDITOR: The premise is that a successful coalition can stifle the PNM into political death throes in 2025. Can 2010 repeat itself? I do not think so. Why? Because without Mickela Panday at the helm of a coalition of our various third parties, there can be no political home invasion.

I am referring here of a coalition without the UNC.

I cannot see Panday and her Patriotic Front party kowtowing to anybody. Not her. Not now. Not ever. Why? Because she is who she is. Politically invaluable.

And to date, in TT, anyone who forms his/her own political party has visions of grandeur and being prime minister. Nothing less.

Plus, visions of being commissioner of police/national security minister cannot anymore be easily achieved.

Within all the present third party contenders we have a range of personalities. Being drop-dead famous at crime fighting talkathons will not work by itself. At all.

There is more to real political life than great crime statistics, believe it or not.

Political personalities must go beyond being as bland as a wet Crix biscuit yet hoping to galvanise voters. Good intentions alone will not work. Any fence climbing is ruinous to political reputation and was never a smart move.

This dream coalition will have to depend on who is at the helm, capable of calling political shots and exciting cross-over voting.

Victory over the PNM means swallowing personal ambition and embracing the new political leader. No arguments. You collaborate.

As usual my opinion is unsolicited and unpaid.


Diego Martin


"Mickela Panday for PM in 2025?"

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