The causes of violence in schools

THE EDITOR: TT, what are the real, not imagined, causes of school violence?

Do parents want teachers to be parents and do their work for them?

Here are the causes of school violence:

Poor academic performance; prior history of violence; hyperactive, impulsive personality; mental health condition; witnessing or being a victim of violence; alcohol, drug, tobacco use; dysfunctional family dynamic; domestic violence or abuse; access to weapons; delinquent peers; poverty or high crime rates in TT.

Please note these violent children are seeking attention that is missing from their lives. Imagine walking with a phone to film a fight that has not taken place yet.


Students, if you desire to be highlighted, win a scholarship, win a national intercol championship – football, cricket. Do anything positive that's worthy of national recognition.

What is joke for schoolboys is death for crapaud. This life is difficult. Nothing comes easy.

Here is some advice from the Mighty Sparrow: Students, go to school and learn well,/Otherwise later on in life you will catch real hell.../There is no place in this world,/For an uneducated boy or girl.


Princes Town


"The causes of violence in schools"

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