Rowley criticises 'so-called analysts,' defends UWI

Dr Keith Rowley. - File photo by Angelo Marcelle
Dr Keith Rowley. - File photo by Angelo Marcelle

FORMER prime minister Dr Keith Rowley said recent comments by Dr Bishnu Ragoonath were another example of “so-called analysts” embarrassing the University of the West Indies (UWI).

In a Facebook post on March 21, he said he woke up the previous morning to “a so-called analyst from the political arena using their presence on UWI’s payroll to hold themselves out as an “analyst” when in fact they have done no proper research, they consulted no one in the know nor are they an “expert” in the facts of the issue that they attempt to bring clarity on.”

He said these analysts demonstrate their ignorance of the subject, embarrass the UWI and “they are simply purveyors of misinformation as they parrot opposition codswallop.”

Rowley said in this instance, Ragoonath, in his role as Council for Responsible Political Behaviour chair, was given 15 minutes on media to “ramble and bramble on the legality of presidential appointments.

“All that he said could so easily have been refuted and he turned out to be simply a carrier of UNC talking points that have nothing to do with UWI scholastic effort.”


Rowley said as a proud UWI alumnus and a holder of three degrees from the venerable institution, “I am really offended by these people who do no work (research) but are only eager to appear on media to peddle their opinions on issues that do not allow them to have their own facts.

“There must be a way to stop this nonsense otherwise people will soon begin to dismiss the excellence of UWI in the face of nonsense like that which Dr Ragoonath spewed on the airways, packaged as UWI analysis.”

While Rowley said Ragoonath was “a carrier of UNC talking points” and “parroting opposition codswallop”, the UNC has said any comment by the Council on its election activities would be construed as election interference and threatened legal action.

Rowley remains PNM political leader but has said he would step down from the post after consultation with the party. He term as party leader ends in 2026.

Rowley resigned as PM on March 16, making way for Stuart Young to become head of the government. Young was appointed PM on March 17. He has since called a general election for April 28.


"Rowley criticises ‘so-called analysts,’ defends UWI"

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