Poor event planning and management at pan finals

THE EDITOR: It was supposed to be a showpiece for my daughter’s foreign guest who came to witness the Trinidad Carnival. I was excited to promote and show the wonders of pan.
I rushed to Island eTickets to purchase five special reserve tickets at $850 each. God knows how much was removed in US dollars from my credit card, as well as a fee in US dollars to book these tickets online. My first disappointment.
On the said day, Carnival Saturday, I took the guest and ended up in a horrendous traffic jam around the Queen’s Park Savannah. This was due to the incompetence of the police who decided to punish motorists and not open the north side of the Savannah to allow cars to bypass the obstructive area around to the south of the Savannah. Another people-unfriendly approach.
I found a way to park in the Savannah, where the exit/entrance at this area only allowed one car to pass, either exit or enter. It was manned by two police officers who were not the best in this approach.
I arrived late for the pan start, missing the first two steelbands. I entered easily and then the poor event management began to show. I was escorted to a number of empty seats, locked in to an area that was only passable by bouncing and threading on the feet of those sitting. This was a result of the poor layout of chairs. A free-for-all.
There were no numbered rows or any numbered chairs. The chairs were arranged so that movement along the rows resulted in total chaos, and I had to jump over a fixed barrier to move around that area.
During the period between bands we decided to go and get some refreshments. Lo and behold, this was impossible. We searched high and low for a concession booth to buy either snacks or drinks. There was none to be found. I was told to try the VIP area, as I was a former minister of government. Boy, was I embarrassed.
The young woman at the door told me that with my band, special reserve, I could not enter. The area was only for dignitaries. I was eventually pulled inside by a friend and, much to my amazement, I was not served any drinks at the bar; this was because of my band, special reserve, $850.
However, a young woman dressed in a white shirt and black pants told me that she would serve me in order to save me from embarrassment. Her name is Hannah; for that I thanked her.
I write this letter to indicate the piss-poor event management approach by the people responsible for the pan finals in the Savannah. Your methods lack competence and, unfortunately, you are so accustomed to having easy money that you are unaware of how to hold a proper service-oriented event.
I have held numerous successful large Carnival fetes – and service-oriented. I will offer you the benefit of my experience to make the event noteworthy and acceptable.
No concession stands, poor toilet facility, poor chair arrangement and I paid $850 per ticket.
I think you people should be ashamed with this inadequate service and inefficient event planning. Pan Trinbago, please consider a new event manager.
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"Poor event planning and management at pan finals"