Accelerating action toward gender parity

House of Representatives Speaker Bridgid Annisette-George, president of Women Parliamentarians of TT
House of Representatives Speaker Bridgid Annisette-George, president of Women Parliamentarians of TT

THE EDITOR: The annual observance of International Women’s Day (IWD) encourages reflection and informed reorientation on our path towards gender parity.

“Accelerate Action,” this year's theme, is an exhortation to urgently address the unique hurdles faced by women.

As noted by the president of Women Parliamentarians of TT, Bridgid Annisette-George, MP, “WPTT’s members are duty bound to ensure that our young women are prepared to take their place in all decision-making spaces and specifically Parliament. The mandate of gender parity cannot be delayed as its realisation is intrinsic for an effective democracy and together women supporting women shall accelerate action.”

Indeed, this year's theme strongly reflects the WPTT's mission to promote dialogue and move the needle forward as it relates to women's participation in leadership. This is particularly evident in our active mentorship efforts and national initiatives such as the YES! Leadership Programme.

However, while we celebrate our advancements, we also recognise the path ahead. Thirty years ago, the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action established a progressive roadmap for achieving gender equity. As we review and build upon our progress, it is increasingly clear that collective ambition and co-operation remain key to achieving this goal.


At the IWD march on Saturday, hundreds of citizens from across TT gathered in solidarity and determination to #AccelerateAction. The WPTT takes this opportunity to recommit to our principles and extend our hand in collaboration as we all work towards gender equity in TT.



"Accelerating action toward gender parity"

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