Blackpool hosts old boys' football match on March 9


BLACKPOOL Sports Club (Mt Lambert) hosts its 34th annual old boys’ football match in memory of one of its founders, Cecil “Rajay” Joseph, at Aranguez Savannah on March 9 from 4 pm.

The match will be played on the adjacent Strollers ground since Blackpool’s original ground was damaged by a bush fire, a statement from the club said.

In the past, the club honoured former outstanding icons for their contributions to sports and culture, locally and internationally.

This year the club will be honoring Dr Pelham Goddard for his contributions to the steelband and music industry.

Anton Corneal, former national footballer and present FIFA Instructor for football development in the region, will also be honoured alongside Harridath “Jackhead” Singh for his contributions to the success of local clubs Klondykes and Let’s Laff, and Ruthven Rouse, for his work with Angelics and Petit Bourg Old Boys.


Additionally, a three-team round-robin tournament will be staged on the same day featuring Moosai’s Sports, led by former West Indies mystery-spinner Harold Joseph, Soft Drinks and Blackpool.

Former national players Corneal, Everald “Gally” Cummings, Bobby Sookram, Ron LaForest and Ellis Sadaphal will be featured in these games.

Organisers also extended condolences to the family of former iconic Olympic medalist Kent Bernard, who passed away recently. Bernard was a stalwart member of Petit Bourg Old Boys and the Petit Bourg Community who never missed this memorial match since 1991.


"Blackpool hosts old boys’ football match on March 9"

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