Police: Executive discussing leaked 2023 report

Curt Simon -
Curt Simon -

Acting Commissioner of Police Junior Benjamin says he is unaware of any member of the team investigating the importation of two sniper rifles for the Strategic Services Agency (SSA) being transferred after influencing a witness in the case.

CoP Erla Harewood-Christopher and former SSA director Roger Best have both been arrested, questioned and released in connection with the matter.

Benjamin said he was unable to verify the details in a media report which said the investigator was transferred after approaching a potential witness in the case and suggesting they did not need to give a statement.

Asked if it was true, Benjamin said, he did not have that information.

“I can tell you, however, that we are very particular in terms of how we deal with this matter.”


Benjamin added, if it did happen, it was “in the best interest of the case.”

He said DCP Intelligence and Investigation Suzette Martin remained in charge of the investigation.

“DCP Martin is still very much the point person in relation to this (investigation).”

Meanwhile, DCP Operations Curt Simon addressed another media report that claimed a senior officer was accused of perverting the course of justice during an unrelated investigation two years ago.

The accusations, contained in a report sent to Simon in 2023, was leaked to the media and its contents published on February 9.

Simon said he was surprised to see the matter rear its head as he believed it was “dealt with.”

He said he sent the report to legal officers in the police who told him more evidence was needed before an investigation could be pursued.

“The advice came back that the matter may need some more beef, or some more meat as you would call it, to say that this is something that we should be looking into.

He said he told that to the officer who submitted the report.


“To suggest that something happened, rather than being speculative and being something of conjecture, you need something more evidential.”

“I advised him of the methods, the approaches, perhaps even the evidential type that he can seek and bring before me that would allow an investigation to be launched.”

Simon said the officer acknowledged receipt of the correspondence and asked for more time but never brought any more evidence to him.

“That evidence did not and has not materialised since that time. And the matter rested there for that time awaiting that evidence that would push anything forward.”

He said nonetheless, the police are discussing the matter.

“We have seen this in the newspapers and the TTPS (TT Police Service), in terms of our executive, we are holding discussions about that.”


"Police: Executive discussing leaked 2023 report"

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