Let civility guide you, Mr Griffith

THE EDITOR: Is former commissioner of police and political leader of the National Transformation Alliance (NTA) for real? I am reading on social media and listening to him on various networks claiming that he represents the members of the Congress of the People (COP).
Although Winston Dookeran is now out of the politics, I am wondering if Gary Griffith's behaviour does not bother Dookeran. The politics that Dookeran and Prakash Ramadhar promoted in the COP is nothing similar to what Griffith is promoting in the NTA and claiming to represent the membership of the COP and the independent voters, who share COP values.
Please, Griffith, stop using your mouth before your brain and allow civility to guide you in your political language. The COP members are tired hearing your false claims.
San Fernando
"Let civility guide you, Mr Griffith"