[UPDATED] Blows for priest – 3 held after Sangre Grande carjacking

THREE carjackers pounced on a parish priest in Sangre Grande inflicting injuries which left him barely conscious on January 25.
With the aid of GPS technology, police were able to track the culprits.
The stolen motor vehicle was intercepted in Freeport and three suspects were detained.
In response to the incident, the Archdiocese of Port of Spain issued a media release clarifying while Fr Maurice White was injured during the robbery, he had not been shot.
The incident took place around 7.30 am January 25 in Vega de Oropuche, a village about two miles east of the Sangre Grande Police Station.
The Archdiocese expressed deep sadness over the event and said White, who is assigned to St Francis RC Church in Sangre Grande, was in stable condition and receiving treatment.
“Please keep him in your prayers for his recovery and for all involved. Let us remain united in faith, trusting in God’s healing and peace for our nation," the release said.
Newsday contacted White's brother, Marlon, who did not wish to comment. He said he was overwhelmed by calls while "dealing with his brother."
He said White was hospitalised at the Sangre Grande Hospital but did not give any update on his condition.
Dirk Barnes, CEO of 868 Tactical Firearms and Accessories Ltd and Air Support Tactical Security Ltd, confirmed his company helped the police track and detain the suspects using GPS technology.
Speaking to Newsday via phone on January 25, Barnes said his company received a call at around 8.30 am about the stolen vehicle. The vehicle was part of the Roman Catholic Diocese fleet, which is monitored by his company.
“We began tracking the car and sent out a team just five minutes after the call. We co-ordinated with the police, providing updates on the car’s location. The interception took place in Freeport at around 9 am, with both our team and the police.”
Barnes was unsure of the exact timing of the robbery and said no one from his company had spoken to Fr White, who was in and out of consciousness. Asked about the details of White’s assault, Barnes said he didn’t know but confirmed that White had been injured. Police said he was struck to the head by his attackers.
However, Barnes praised the efforts of the Central Police, saying, “The police went above and beyond. Their response was outstanding. This is the kind of standard the TTPS should boast about.”
The suspects are currently assisting police with their investigations.
A photo taken by Air Support Tactical Security Ltd personnel, which was posted on social media, showed three suspects, handcuffed, sitting at the side of the road as officers surrounded them.
A police release said White met the three suspects while "socialising" at Vega de Oropouche and he was assaulted by the men before they sped off with the Toyota Aqua.
Highway Patrol officers including Cpl Kaiser and PCs Ramnarine, Mohess and Roop intercepted the vehicle near the Freeport overpass.
The three suspects – 20, 24 and 31 from Vega De Oropouche, were arrested and handed over to officers of the Central Division.
Fr Martin Sirju, vicar general of the RC Archdiocese of Port of Spain, at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, said the injured priest was recovering slowly.
Sirju, who was conducting a workshop, took a moment to reflect on White's earlier attack when Newsday visited him at the cathedral.
“I spoke with the vicar of the East parish, where Father Maurice is stationed. The circumstances remain unclear, but I know Father is slowly recovering,” Sirju said.
When discussing the broader issue of crime, Sirju expressed concern for the nation, saying it was traumatised and in need of new ways to help people process that trauma.
He emphasised that tackling crime requires the involvement of many groups and organisations to ensure people are not left traumatised for prolonged periods.
Sirju’s message to the suspects was one of hope. He urged them to believe that life offers better options and they have the power to change their paths.
“They must not let their social circumstances dictate who they become: there are better, life-giving options: options that promote a culture of life, not death. They must make restitution.”
Sirju further stressed the suspects must reconcile with their actions and apologise to White for the violence they inflicted on him.
“For us, it is a word of salvation and hope. We want to guide these perpetrators and others like them to a conversion of heart, so we can build a better country. We all need to consider a new way of life, a conversion of heart because that is what God wants.”
He believes in order to restore a sense of community: people need to reconnect with their faith. He said many people today identify as "unaffiliated" with any religion but say when someone belongs to a faith: they are better able to understand the deeper meaning of community.
“No religion is perfect: people should commit more to a life of prayer, where neighbours help each other instead of leaving others in distress.”
Sirju concluded by offering words of encouragement for White.
“Our baptism sometimes requires us to suffer in ways we don’t expect. Father Maurice understands this. I am confident he will pray for the conversion of those who attacked him. I pray for his healing, for his growth in grace and wisdom. Through this experience, I know he will lead better as a pastor as he guides his community toward a culture of life and not a culture of revenge or death.”
This story was originally published with the title "Priest beaten, robbed of car in Sangre Grande" and has been adjusted to include additional details. See original post below.
A priest was beaten and robbed of his car in Sangre Grande by three carjackers on January 25.
Police managed to track down the bandits and found the car in Freeport.
The Archdiocese of Port of Spain says it was deeply saddened by the news of RC priest Fr Maurice White's robbery.
White is assigned to St Francis RC Church, Sangre Grande.
A media release said White was injured during the robbery, which took place early on January 25, at Vega de Oropuche, Sangre Grande.
The release says he is in stable condition and is being treated.
It clarified White had not been shot during the incident.
The statement concluded by asking: "For your prayers for his recovery and for all involved. Let us remain united in faith, trusting in God’s healing and peace in our nation."
The suspects are assisting police in their investigations.
"[UPDATED] Blows for priest – 3 held after Sangre Grande carjacking"