AG: Silence, non-compliance affecting domestic violence matters

Reginald Armour -
Reginald Armour -

ATTORNEY General Reginald Armour says a culture of silence and non-compliance with orders issued by the court are affecting efforts to properly address domestic violence.

He was responding to a matter on the adjournment of the Senate on January 21.

"We have in TT the Domestic Violence Act, which has been amended from time to time, which is a very comprehensive piece of legislation."

Armour said laws needed to evolve and be improved continuously over time to address changing circumstances. But the challenges society faces in addressing domestic laws is not inadequate or deficient laws, or whether or not the police respond to domestic violence complaints.

Armour identified one challenge as the culture of silence.


"People turn a blind eye, or people prefer to turn a blind eye, to the scourge of domestic violence, and we have to fix that."

Another challenge is compliance with court orders.

Armour said the Family Court and the Children Court have been working very hard to deal with domestic violence matters.

After identifying protection orders issued by either court as a means of directing applicants (victims), respondents (abusers) and children to receive counselling from approved people or programmes in domestic violence cases, Armour said compliance with such orders is challenging.

From January 2023-November 2024, the Family Court issued orders to 1,336 people to be referred to its social services unit for intervention such as counselling psychotherapy and psychological evaluations.

This included 605 applicants, 503 respondents and 188 children.

Armour said of this number, 697 people (89 children, 310 applicants and 307 respondents) did not fully comply with the court's orders.

He added a similar pattern was seen during the same period with respect to orders issued by the Children Court.

Armour said efforts are being made to ensure these people comply with court orders such asĀ  involving social workers and probation officers to document instances of non-compliance.



"AG: Silence, non-compliance affecting domestic violence matters"

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