Stuart Young the best choice

THE EDITOR: The announcement by Prime Minister Rowley that he will retire after two terms as prime minister is unprecedented and groundbreaking. It is not only laudable, but in my opinion it establishes and cements his legacy as the first Prime Minister in our history to do so.
Just as groundbreaking was the selection of Dr Rowley’s successor, Stuart Young, which was not surprising to me. In my view there are many aspects of Young’s character I have observed over the years which compel me to form the opinion that he is the best choice to succeed Rowley and lead the country, at this time.
Critical to me in examining effective leadership is integrity. Despite countless attacks, I believe Young’s character remains unblemished and there’s a sense of unshakable integrity behind that toughening political persona.
After Rowley, Young is possibly the second most attacked politician in the PNM and I think the reason for that is because the opposition sees him as a real threat, just like Rowley.
The biggest argument I have heard against him, apart from the nonsensical, racially-infused, one-per-cent tag line, was his recusals from Cabinet. But for me this is yet another sign of his integrity at play. The problem would be if he didn’t recuse himself.
Unlike most politicians with tenure under their belts, I believe Young has maintained his integrity despite incessant and unrelenting attacks.
There is no doubt that Young is the hardest working member of the Cabinet. Some have called him the “minister of everything,” citing his involvement in at least five major ministries over the last ten years, and sometimes juggling two and three portfolios at the same time.
I have seen him traverse internationally, tirelessly fight the battles in Parliament, negotiate and close deals internationally, and even put his lawyer hat back on and oversee the winning of legal battles for the taxpayers of this country. There is no doubt that Young is a hard worker with the energy to get the job done. Which is why it was so perplexing to hear the opposition leader call him "lazy." I don’t think even she believed that untruth.
Competence is the most important quality I look for in a prime minister. Rowley is certainly that and his exemplary record stands as a testament. Young, even before politics, was known as one of the top public attorneys in the country and an expert in his own right.
In government I have seen him excel in every portfolio he has been given, from renegotiating bad deals and contracts to his work in the energy sector and the transformative and groundbreaking gas deals with Venezuela, which required complex technical, diplomatic and political manoeuvring.
He has remained measured and has developed into a true statesman throughout this time. He has acted as prime minister and fulfilled the role very well, in my view.
In light of these reasons, plus others, I can objectively see Young as the best choice to succeed PM Rowley. He possesses unique leadership qualities which will serve him well in confronting the challenges of running the country, and give him the best chance to excel at the job.
It is with a renewed sense of hope and optimism that I stand in support of Stuart Young as prime minister, and I wish him the very best in this new portfolio.
Petit Valley
"Stuart Young the best choice"