Condolence book for Morris-Julian open till December 31

President Christine Kangaloo signs the condolence book in memory of D'Abadie/O'Meara MP and Minister in the Ministry of Education Lisa Morris-Julian on December 17 in the Rotunda, Red House, Port of Spain. Also in photo, from left, are Senate president Nigel de Freitas, Speaker Bridgid Annisette-George and deputy speaker Esmond Forde. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers
President Christine Kangaloo signs the condolence book in memory of D'Abadie/O'Meara MP and Minister in the Ministry of Education Lisa Morris-Julian on December 17 in the Rotunda, Red House, Port of Spain. Also in photo, from left, are Senate president Nigel de Freitas, Speaker Bridgid Annisette-George and deputy speaker Esmond Forde. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers

THE condolence book in memory of Minister in the Ministry of Education and MP for D’Abadie/O’Meara Lisa Morris-Julian, who died in a fire along with two of her children on December 16, will remain open for signing daily from 9 am to 4 pm until December 31 in the Rotunda of the Red House in Port of Spain.

Colleen Holder, director, corporate communications and productions for the Parliament, in a news release posted on the Parliament's Facebook page on December 27 said the condolence book will remain available for signing by members of Parliament and other dignitaries, as well as members of the public.

In a news release on December 24, the Office of the Prime Minister announced that the funeral of Morris-Julian, her daughter Xianne, 25, and son Jesiah, six, will take place on January 2.

The release said the state-assisted funeral is scheduled to be held at the Santa Rosa RC Church in Arima at 9 am.

Morris-Julian is survived by her husband Daniel, son Ixiah and daughter Anya.


Former Fire Service head Roosevelt Bruce, leads a three-person team appointed on December 20 to investigate the fire at the family's Farfan Street home. The team also includes chairman of the Occupational Safety and Health Authority Curt Cadette and attorney Ashtie Mahabir of the Ministry of the Attorney General.


"Condolence book for Morris-Julian open till December 31"

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