Welcome Road not welcoming

THE EDITOR: I turn to you to highlight a pressing issue after many representations to the relevant authorities have failed to result in any positive changes.
It is about the disastrous state of Welcome Road North in the Cunupia community, where potholes have become craters and seasonal flooding occurs after a nearby water course was narrowed to accommodate a housing development.
Welcome Road's condition worsened after a WASA contractor dug up the road, leaving residents stranded in their homes for a while. WASA has not yet undertaken a proper restoration of the damaged road.
Four years ago I wrote to Kazim Hosein, then minister of rural development and local government, requesting that the road be repaved. The letter was accompanied by a petition signed by 60 residents. The letter was acknowledged.
Two years ago I wrote to Herbert George, chairman of the Secondary Road Rehabilitation and Improvement Company Ltd, urging repairs to Caroni East secondary roads, including Welcome Road, which was identified as a priority.
Two months ago I sent letters to Rohan Sinanan, Minister of Works and Transport, and Faris Al Rawi, Minister of Rural Development and Local Government, requesting urgent road repairs.
During the budget debate in October I aired the issue in my contribution to the debate and during the meeting of the Standing Finance Committee.
Residents staged a fiery protest last month, and this was featured in your newspaper. The demonstration was prompted, in part, by electricity blackouts, which sometimes occur up to four times a week for up to nine hours at a time.
In 2016, my predecessor as elected representative, the eminent Dr Tim Gopeesingh, highlighted the condition of Welcome and Ragoonanan Roads on a matter on the adjournment in Parliament.
The horrible state of the road has led to increased taxi fares, the need for regular repairs to vehicles, pedestrians having to dodge potholes, and concerns for the security and safety of students going to and from home.
I hope that highlighting this serious and long-standing matter in your newspaper will finally prompt effective and long overdue action from the authorities.
For too long residents and commuters have had to endure Welcome Road being not too welcoming.
MP, Caroni East
"Welcome Road not welcoming"