Stop the fighting and help the people

THE EDITOR: It will serve the country in good stead if the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader spend more time solving the issues that are frustrating the population than fighting each other.
The ANR International Airport is now on the front burner with a war of words over allegations of overspending, while citizens continue the battle with crime, inflation, lack of water, bad roads, flooding, and growing poverty.
Both are to receive humongous salary increases. How about showing some concern for those being left behind? I hope there will be no commission of enquiry (CoE) with millions of taxpayers' dollars going into someone’s pocket and at the end of the day the report is stuffed in a corner collecting dust.
I am still waiting to see the outcome the CoE into of the Paria disaster in which four divers lost their lives while on the job. Millions were spent on this matter. Where are we today with this?
We are into the Christmas season and while some can rejoice and be glad for their huge pay hike, there are thousands on the breadline and many begging for something small to cope with the cost of living. And with the foreign exchange (forex) shortage, goods and services will continue to rise.
So much for none being left behind and we are in this together.
To the two political leaders: try to come together and find common ground to help the population in these trying times. Enough talk and ranting with no answers to alleviate the suffering. This has been going on for too long.
Our future leaders are looking on. Do you think you are setting a proper example for them to follow? Absolutely not; you must do better for the sake of the country and the people. Let us make TT a better place for all.
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"Stop the fighting and help the people"