Our right to a better life

THE EDITOR: In our interconnected world today, it’s completely understandable – and indeed a fundamental human desire – for people to seek a better way of living. Yet the harsh truth is that access to this improved lifestyle is often lopsided, benefiting only certain pockets of society.
Should it really be the case that only those who can afford fancy imports or globe-trotting adventures can enjoy the luxuries available? Absolutely not. Everyone should have the opportunity to elevate their quality of life; it shouldn’t be a privilege reserved for a few.
We should take a moment to reflect: where is the inflow of foreign exchange – US dollar – and how is it impacting our economy?
If everyday folks are toiling away for ten hours a day, six days a week, barely keeping afloat amidst the rising living costs, then they absolutely deserve the freedom to access platforms like Amazon to purchase items that could enhance their well-being.
This isn’t something that should depend on how much money one has – it should be a right for all who want to engage with the global marketplace.
We also face the reality of extra costs coming from online taxes, duties, and VAT on imports.
Of course, there are cases where a few individuals take advantage of systems designed for access and convenience. However, that shouldn’t be used as a reason to limit or hinder the rights of the many who are trying to uplift their lives legitimately.
It’s crucial for us as a community to strike a balance: addressing those who misuse the system while empowering those who follow the rules.
As we reflect on these vital issues, it becomes apparent that we need to embrace a new mindset – one that includes everyone and acknowledges the rights of all citizens.
We can achieve this through policies that make it easier to access imported goods, invest in our local economies, and ensure fair wages, allowing everyone to flourish instead of just scraping by.
We can’t overlook the fact that economic inequality and limited access to resources continue to trap many in cycles of poverty and exclusion. The voices calling for a better life ought to be amplified and supported, not brushed aside.
The quest for a better lifestyle is a common human dream. The strength of our society resides in its diversity and in providing equal opportunities for every citizen.
Let’s join forces to dismantle the obstacles that stop people from enjoying the essentials and luxuries of life. Everyone deserves a chance to reap the benefits of globalisation; it’s time we commit to turning this right into a reality for all.
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"Our right to a better life"