NTA presents six more potential candidates for 2025 poll

NATIONAL Transformation Alliance (NTA) political leader Gary Griffith named potential candidates for six constituencies ahead of next year's general elections, at a briefing at the party headquarters in Mt Lambert on November 16.
They are Jairzinho Rigsby (Arima), Dr Kevin Sarran (San Fernando West), Savita Pierre (Tunapuna), Christine Newallo-Hosein (Toco/Sangre Grande) and Bernie Maharaj (Port Spain North/St Ann's West). Missing was Paul Daniel Nahous (Diego Martin West) who was training to represent TT at pistol-shooting.
Griffith was amongst a first batch of six potential candidates and had been selected for St Joseph. Also present were other previously selected potential candidates – Errol Fabien (Point Fortin), Gail Gonsalves-Castanada (Port of Spain South), Nicolene Taylor-Chinchamee (Lopinot/Bon Air West), Norman Dindial (Chaguanas East), and Russell Chan (Diego Martin Central).
The other previously-chosen potential candidate Insaf Enighoola (Barataria/San Juan) was not present.
Griffith introduced the six as custodians who could become party candidates. He urged them to maintain a standard of decorum in their political dealings rather than any mudslinging.
Dindial briefly described each new potential candidates' background.
He said Pierre is an educator. Rigsby has a master's degree in management, worked at First Citizens bank for 20 years and was a former university tutor. Maharaj is a community worker.
Newallo-Hosein is a former MP and social development minister under the People's Partnership administration.
Sarran is a medical doctor, businessman and social media influencer.
Nahous is an alderman at the Diego Martin Borough Corporation.
Griffith said while some people might rate the NTA's chances as low because they had not been around as long as the established parties, former world champion boxer Mike Tyson had thought the same thing in his fight against Jake Paul on November 15 but had lost. "The same thing that happened to Mike Tyson might happen here (Trinidad and Tobago)."
Griffith said it was not the NTA's job to put any other party into office but simply to represent what he termed "the bridge constituency."
He claimed he was blocked online by a Cabinet minister and also by the leader of a political party, who he did not name. "I am asking each of you, do not go down to their level," he told potential candidates.
General elections are constitutionally due in 2025.
"NTA presents six more potential candidates for 2025 poll"