DRETCHI needs help raising $10m for repairs

THE Diagnostic Research Educational and Therapeutic Centre for the Hearing Impaired (DRETCHI) is asking the private sector and the public for help in raising $10 million needed for urgent building repairs.
"We cannot wait much longer. Part of the roof is actually off the building." said Nicholas Cumberbatch, president of the Trinidad and Tobago Association for the Hearing Impaired (TTAHI), when he spoke with Newsday on October 29.
While DRETCHI receives yearly funding from the government, Cumberbatch said the money is only enough to cover salaries for the estimated 70 employees and basic equipment for audiology services.
Applications for additional funding have been sent to the government but nothing was received.
"The government has allowances for capital funding, but we were not able to secure any of those capital funds in this budget."
With the roof of the building and the beams supporting it on the verge of collapsing, there are major concerns about the safety of staff and the many people who access DRETCHI’s services daily.
"We are probably the only public place where people can go to have these audiological services such as hearing testing, hearing screening and hearing aid fittings.
“When a child is born deaf, whichever hospital in the country they come out of, they are referred to us."
However, repairs are not the only concern at DRETCHI. A shortage of audiologists has caused a significant backlog for people who need intensive treatment.
“There may be three audiologists in Trinidad and Tobago and we have two of them. So we have we have a backlog that could be from one and a half to two years."
Cumberbatch added they have tried to hire foreign audiologists but have not yet had any success.
"We need to get at least two more audiologists in order to operate properly. We’ve been trying to see how we could bring in external audiologists. We’ve been trying (to hire audiologists from) Cuba and we’re still trying."
Anyone wishing to assist can contact Nicholas Cumberbatch at 1-868-782-9328 or donate to the following account:
- Bank: JMMB
- 68 Ariapita Avenue, Port of Spain
- Account Number: 007600018556
- Account Name: Trinidad and Tobago Association for the Hearing Impaired
"DRETCHI needs help raising $10m for repairs"