Drivers, use your indicators

 - Angelo Marcelle
- Angelo Marcelle

THE EDITOR: Open letter to all drivers on the nation's roads.

I write to you today with a heartfelt plea for your co-operation in enhancing road safety in our beautiful country. As we navigate our busy roads, it is imperative that we all work together to ensure the safety of ourselves, our loved ones, and fellow motorists.

One simple yet crucial aspect of responsible driving is the use of indicators. This small act can significantly prevent accidents and traffic congestion. By signalling your intentions, you are giving other drivers ample time to react and adjust their driving accordingly.

Imagine the chaos that could ensue if drivers were to suddenly change lanes without warning. It could lead to accidents, road rage, and a general sense of frustration on our roads.

By using your indicators, you are not only demonstrating courtesy, but also contributing to a more harmonious and safe driving environment. In other countries you can get in trouble with the law and pay the price for not using your indicators.


Let us make a conscious effort to make using our vehicle indicators a daily driving habit. Together we can create a safer and more pleasant driving experience for all.


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"Drivers, use your indicators"

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