Adults setting wrong example

Jayden Lalchan -
Jayden Lalchan -

THE EDITOR: The recent suicide of 15-year-old schoolboy Jayden Lalchan shocked us all, but we have TT ministers and opposition members in Parliament and at social events setting a bad example.

Jayden was a decent person and he was bullied at school for many years, and because he excelled at his school work that also made him a target.

Jayden was old enough to read the daily newspaper and see on TV how the adult government and opposition members of Parliament insult each other in the cruellest way every opportunity they get. And their adult pals sitting next to them laughing along with it?

Jayden could not handle his own desperate bullying situation at school. And then he saw his future as a young adult working and living in Trinidad in the despicable behaviour of our MPs – crudely insulting each other daily. So, maybe Jayden did not want to stick around for any more bullying.

Our youth are learning from this bad example – and it may be in their homes as well. That is why the crime situation in our country is out of hand.



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"Adults setting wrong example"

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