Time to turn on light in nation of darkness

Steve Alvarez -
Steve Alvarez -

THE EDITOR: With criminal activities on the rise, the population has tremendous concern about calling the police. Apart from the casual response from most jurisdictions, the public is having a major problem with trust. Even when apparent police vehicles approach with flashing lights and men in police uniform, the public is unaware of the authenticity of the occupants.

This, coupled with the poor response from the judiciary regarding dealing with people who are charged with criminal behaviour, places TT in a very bad state. If citizens cannot feel a sense of comfort with those assigned with the task to protect and serve, the question arises as to who does one turn to.

If one were to consider politicians as the answer, the situation becomes even more complex. The ruling party just postponed its internal election, leading to speculation that there may be infighting within the party. On the other hand, the opposition’s infighting is clear with teams labelled as “A” and “B.”

There are many on both sides of the aisle who cause some citizens to have tremendous concerns, thus making support for them and the parties they represent difficult to contemplate.

Add to this level of discomfort deterioration of our infrastructure, emboldened criminals who rob and kidnap with impunity, a worsening economic situation, and a failure to understand what is required to effectively manage our country. These all leads to chaos.


What is required is the good people of the PNM and UNC, the good people who do not belong to any of the major parties, the good people who represent our communities to come together and save our country. HOPE is a political organisation that offers that umbrella to unite in the best interest of all the people of TT.

Now is not a time for racial or political loyalty. It is a time for loyalty to TT. If the so-called dissidents within the UNC and the disenchanted within the PNM are serious about taking a stand in the best interest of TT, now is the time in the last year of the life of this Parliament for patriots to come forward and unite within the Parliament.

Join with the people of HOPE and the good people of TT and offer a ray of light, a new hope for our citizens.

The alternative is unthinkable.


chairman, HOPE


"Time to turn on light in nation of darkness"

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