Being responsible for your appointments

HELLO everyone. Welcome to another Manners Matter!
Making appointments may sound like something adults do, but that has nothing much to do with you. But as you get involved in more and more activities after school and on weekends, making appointments is also related to you. When you have a set time for swimming lessons, agree to meet up to do a class project together, or plan with a friend to come over at a time and day then you have made an appointment. Keeping that appointment is just as important as making it. An appointment is a promise to meet up at a certain time and place. That promise should be kept.
It is good manners to keep your promise and that appointment. If you can not keep your appointment cancel before its time. Respect the other person’s time and effort. It's rude to leave someone expecting and waiting for you and you never show up. So, a time to meet your school driver, your music lessons, your football practice or your dentist visit are all appointments you are responsible for keeping.
Here are some things that matter when you make an appointment:
●Agree to a time for your appointment so that you can easily arrive on time. Do not set a time that is too early or too late for you to be there.
●Do your best to keep and attend your appointment, even if you just don’t feel like going. Remember it is a promise you should keep even if your feelings change.
●Be on time for your appointment. It shows you respect your time and the time of others. When you get to your appointment on time, you can get started on time!
●Being late for your appointment can mess up the appointments of others who are after you.
●Get to your appointment ten to 15 minutes ahead of time, especially for dental or doctor and online appointments.
●You should not cancel last minute unless there is an emergency.
●If you are running late, call as soon as possible to let the other person know that you will be arriving late.
●When you need to cancel an appointment do so hours or days ahead of time.
●If you have forgotten an appointment a call should be made to apologise. If you forget an appointment with a friend or classmate you should be responsible for apologising immediately through a phone call.
"Being responsible for your appointments"