Understanding the national budget

- Photo courtesy Pixabay
- Photo courtesy Pixabay

THE EDITOR: Now that the noises have quietened down somewhat, I believe it is appropriate to place my comments in a public forum.

It appears that there has been little thought given as to what the budgetary process means and why is it important to support or otherwise provide an alternative approach in the interest of the national good.

Briefly, Tobago constitutes an important community within TT. Viewed from this perspective, our national objective is to facilitate the Tobago community to maximise its contribution to the national good.

The physical separation of Tobago places it in a peculiar position in that, unlike other communities, it is uniquely challenged. Accordingly, the approach taken to resolve but one issue resulted in a mathematical formula recommendation in the budgetary process.

Without reference to the validity of such an approach, I am boldly suggesting that if the objective was to improve the island's capacity to contribute to the national pie, then the approach ought to have been to start at the higher percentage of the national budget and develop a realistic timeframe over which reduced allocations should take place.

Of course this should be based on predetermined measurable outcomes from the previous budgetary allocations. The approach has been the opposite and is therefore destined for failure.

Comments from our esteemed economic advisers as well as our industry captains on this suggested alternative approach are eagerly awaited and enthusiastically welcomed.


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"Understanding the national budget"

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