Nicole Dyer-Griffith diagnosed with stage three breast cancer

IN a two-minute-eight-second video posted to Facebook on September 14, former Miss Universe Trinidad and Tobago and government senator Nicole Dyer-Griffith announced that she has been diagnosed with stage three breast cancer.
“I’m currently on my sixth round of chemotherapy, I have two more rounds to go, followed by surgery. If all goes well, we will then proceed to the final stage, which is radiation therapy.”
Sporting a shaved head and a brightly coloured African-print tube dress, Dyer-Griffith addressed viewers, saying, “I know I look a little different.”
She said she received the diagnosis earlier this year.
“The journey this far has been one of distress to discovery. I've unearthed such power, peace and perseverance. I can safely say this chapter has truly made me find unique methods of oxygenating not only myself but those who are also traversing this journey along with me.”
She expressed gratitude to her husband, political leader of the National Transformation Alliance Gary Griffith, who appeared in the video with her, as well as their son, her stepdaughters, extended family and close friends, calling them a blessing.
“The medical team with whom I'm working right here in TT have been absolute angels, even though sometimes I may give a little bit of trouble. I've chosen to bring you into the loop. So you may understand why I have been unable to accept so many of your invitations, requests to speak, etc.”
Dyer-Griffith said she has a challenging journey ahead and thanked everyone in advance for their support and love.
She concluded her message by saying, “I will try to keep you updated as I progress. Thank you for being part of this process. May you be eternally blessed.”
"Nicole Dyer-Griffith diagnosed with stage three breast cancer"