WASA: Reservoirs still below average levels

AFTER the recent shutdown of the Caroni water treatment plant for upgrades comes word that the country's reservoirs still remain at levels well below their long-term averages.
This is also despite downpours which have caused flooding in various areas, such as those on August 12 in areas including Port of Spain, Morvant, Barataria and St Augustine.
Replying to a query by Newsday, WASA supplied details of the various capacities of these reservoirs on August 13.
Previously, at a WASA briefing on August 2, CEO Kelvin Romain said the water levels were "creeping up, in a linear way.β
WASA corporate communications manager Daniel Plenty lamented insufficient rainfall at catchment areas, saying, βIt takes consistent rainfall for reservoirs to recover.β
Reservoir levels:
Current level Long-term average
Arena 31.2% 66.8
Navet 40.7 65.0
Hollis 35.0 64.4
Hillsborough 81.2 86.5
August 2 level/Long-term average
Arena 29-30 60
Navet 35 Just over 60
Hollis 35 55
Hillsborough 75 85
"WASA: Reservoirs still below average levels"