St George's College teams get sponsorship boost

ST GEORGE'S College football teams and its other sporting teams have received an added boost of new sponsorship.
On July 30, the Byrd Counseling LLC and the Charlie and Tonja Ward Family Foundation visited the school, currently based in Valsayn, with their hands full of equipment. Both organisations are based in Florida in the US.
Speaking to Newsday, Carl Byrd said his wife's connection to Trinidad and Tobago helped make the sponsorship possible.
"Helping out St George's came through one of the players, Keston. Having the connection with Keston, who spoke so highly of the team (made this happen). Me and my wife Michelle (Byrd jumped on board) – who is originally from Chaguanas, Trinidad. That's (Keston) her cousin, and we were looking for a team to sponsor...Keston spoke so highly of St George's and the team, so we decided to push forward and help and support this team here with their football programme."
The St George's footballers will receive boots, socks and practice T-shirts and balls initially.
Charlie said his organisation is about enhancing the lives of youngsters.
The Byrd family "told us what they were doing and my wife Tonja and I wanted to be a part of it, because our family foundation (the Charlie and Tonja Ward Family Foundation) supports youth character development through sports, art, wellness and education so this falls right underneath our umbrella of giving through our foundation."
Byrd said the plan is to support the school for a long time.
"I think as long as that there is a desire, we will continue to support in some form or fashion."
Michelle and her father Malcolm Howe were elated to give back to a school in her home country.
She said, "This is home and you always remember where you came from. There was a point in my life when I did not have much and people stepped in and helped me.
"Now we are in a position where we are blessed and have the opportunity to bless others and just give back, so why not give back to the community that blessed me and made me who I am today."
Howe left Trinidad when she was 16, but, coming from a sporting family, felt the desire to support a TT school.
St George's College physical education teacher and football coach Anderson Harry is thankful for the generosity of the Howe, Byrd and Ward families.
"It's an overwhelming feeling, because the recognition came from outside of TT," Harry said.
Other sporting teams should also benefit from the sponsorship, he said..
"I believe all sporting programmes (will benefit), because as the PE teacher I would not get sponsorship for one thing and see the other disciplines suffer. If it could trickle down to all the sporting disciplines, that will be a plus."
"St George’s College teams get sponsorship boost"