Questions for WASA, CAL

THE EDITOR: Massive amounts of Sahara dust are expected to limit the amount of rainfall Trinidad and Tobago receives in the next few weeks.
Does the Water and Sewage Authority (WASA) have a back-up plan in place to deal with an emergency situation, if our reservoirs and dams are not back to their long-term averages by the end of December?
Does WASA have a plan for water distribution during what may be another extremely harsh dry season in 2025?
Is WASA waiting for a new CEO to arrive, before any kind of planning happens?
In 2012, Ghana's Vision in its Water Sector Strategic Development Plan was "sustainable water and basic sanitation for all by 2025." Let that fall where it may.
We tried the British (Severn Trent) and that did not work out, so we may as well try Ghana.
Now, I turn to Caribbean Airlines (CAL).
In August, CAL CEO Garvin Madera told the media that CAL would produce audited statements in early 2024.
Here we are in July 2024, with more than half of the year gone. Not a word from anyone at CAL as to when its 2016 audited accounts will be produced.
Is CAL being stopped from getting its 2016 accounts audited because there is something to hide?
CAL's 2015 accounts were qualified by its external auditors. Can CAL please give taxpayers, including me, an update on its 2016 audited accounts? What is really going on?
Mt Hope
"Questions for WASA, CAL"