Securities Dealers Association names new board

The Securities Dealers Association of Trinidad and Tobago (SDATT) a not-for-profit organisation focused on addressing legislation and other aspects in the securities industry, announced its new board in an advertisement on Tuesday.
SDATT identified Tiffany Pemberton Marquez as the association’s president. Lisa Leander Yeates is vice president, Victoria Crooks treasurer and Alesha Phelps secretary. They will serve a two-year term from 2023-2025.
Adrian Manmohan, Brent Mc Fee, Candice Cruikshank, Dalia King, Danielle Maingot, Greg Ferriera, Ian Chin, Keston Howell, Marli Creese, Sarodh Ramkhelawan, Tricia Kissoon and Trudie Telesford Pierre were announced as board members.
Established in 2007, the association is made up of 17 companies actively involved in the securities industry, all regulated by the TT Securities and Exchange Commission.
"Securities Dealers Association names new board"