Phone stolen at gunpoint from California mini mart, couple in court

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A man and his wife faced a master in the High Court on May 27, charged in connection with a recent robbery at gunpoint at a mini mart in California, Couva.

Ferose Rahim and his wife Kimberly Rahim pleaded not guilty before master Sarah De Silva. She granted them each $20,000 own bail.

The police contend that at around 6.15 pm on May 18, the 30-year-old victim was working at his family-owned business at Phoenix Park Road.

A gunman and an unarmed woman walked in and announced a robbery. The woman then took a Samsung phone valued at $900 that was on display to be sold.

Both suspects got into a white B15 Nissan car that drove off.

The gunman, who had a long beard, was wearing long black pants and a long-sleeved black jersey with a camouflage-designed cloth around his head.

The woman was wearing a camouflage outfit and a black hijab. The police were alerted and PCs Gaskin and Boodoosingh of the Central Division responded and gathered evidence. The police later arrested the accused couple.

The matter was adjourned to June 27 and transferred to Couva Magistrates’ Court.

Legal officer acting Cpl Girwar prosecuted and PC Boodoosingh laid the charge.


"Phone stolen at gunpoint from California mini mart, couple in court"

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