No sign of kidnap victim Anisha

Anisha Hosein -
Anisha Hosein -

Doubles vendor Anisha Hosein remains missing after she was abducted outside the popular Sauce Doubles outlet in El Dorado on May 18.

Hosein, 27, was preparing to open the outlet when she was forced into a silver Nissan B15 by three masked men with guns.

Her husband Richie Singh was grazed on his face by a bullet as the gunmen fired several shots before driving off.

The family and officials close to the case have been tight-lipped about the kidnapping.

Calls to the head of the police North Central Division Richard Smith for an update on the investigation went unanswered.

Head of the Hunters Search and Rescue team Vallence Rambharat said, “No comment,” when contacted.

Another member of the family whom Newsday asked for a comment or an update said, “We can’t give you any comment on (the situation).”

The family member said a picture circulating online of a statement by the family was issued two years ago and has nothing to do with Hosein's kidnapping.

“That statement is old. It was issued in October 2022.”

In the statement, the family clarified the origin of the Sauce name and the current business setup of the brand. The statement noted the Sauce name has suffered much scrutiny because of unfortunate events.

It said the family hoped to put to rest “the rumours circulating about our families, and our businesses in any illegal activities, envy within our family and other misconceptions.”


"No sign of kidnap victim Anisha"

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