Communication Workers’ Union demands information on retroactive salaries

Secretary General of the Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) Joanne Ogeer has written to acting chief executive of TSTT Kent Western asking for an update on retroactive salaries owed to active and retrenched workers.
In a letter on April 9, Ogeer asked, “When will the company pay off their debt to the active and retrenched workers after now declaring profits?
“In the circumstances, the union is seeking specific information as it relates to the ‘dollar value to close the full and final payment’ overall for the retroactive salaries for workers wherein the company is currently indebted.”
Ogeer congratulated TSTT’s leadership team for recent pronouncements of a “colossal profit of $170 million for the nine months ending December 31, 2023. Which marked a 133 per cent increase compared to the corresponding period in 2022.
“It is indeed very reassuring to the union as a stakeholder of this viable entity to learn despite the sharp decline in revenue across the telecoms industry locally based on TATT (Telecommunications Authority) report, it would be interesting to know which line of business allowed TSTT to realise this increase in revenue - mobile, broadband/tv, or security.”
She said despite the union’s assertions, “it is indeed something to be proud of and the union joins the company in this regard.”
Ogeer also mentioned TSTT’s proposed plans for its Tobago network which she said was quoted to cost $160 million.
"Communication Workers’ Union demands information on retroactive salaries"