Cops worried over increase in pedestrian deaths

POLICE say drivers and pedestrians should be more careful on the nation's roads.
In a statement on Monday, the Roadway Surveillance Unit (RSU) said ten pedestrian deaths were recorded over the past six weeks – five on highways and five on main roads.
Police Road Traffic Safety co-ordinator Sgt Brent Batson expressed concern over the five deaths on main roads.
He said these roads have a 50 kmph speed limit, which is generally associated with non-fatal pedestrian injuries.
He said the data suggests drivers have migrated their speeding habits to main roads without care or consideration for other road users.
Traffic and Highway Patrol Branch Snr Supt David Powder said he was disappointed with the number of road traffic deaths.
He said his officers have been enforcing road traffic laws consistently and have issued over 4,800 traffic tickets for the year.
“We all have our roles to play in keeping the roads safe. Drivers and other road users need to understand how risk-taking can quickly lead to unplanned outcomes, including injuries and death on the roads,” Powder said.
The road death count for 2024 is currently 17, compared to 18 for the same period last year.
"Cops worried over increase in pedestrian deaths"