U Health and Wellness expo returns

THE Caribbean Health Digest has announced the return of its U Health and Wellness Exposition – an event dedicated to providing education on various health and wellness products, services, and solutions. The expo is known for its engaging and interactive nature, attracting close to 6,000 visitors in the past.
The event will take place at the Hyatt Regency, Port of Spain from February 26-28 and is free to the public.
Through a series of parallel workshops and discussions, the event will focus on a number of themes, among them youth and mental wellness, environmental health, financial wellness, IVF technology, fertility, and the role technology plays in managing NCDs.
The event, in the past, has attracted a number of government institutions, healthcare providers, and wellness experts in a collective effort to promote healthier lifestyles, raise awareness about critical health issues, and provide accessible information and resources for all.
At the heart of the event will be the wellness marketplace – a showcase of a curated selection of health products, organic foods, natural remedies, and sustainable lifestyle solutions.
The interactive zone will feature all-day activities in which visitors can participate – from presentations by medical professionals and demonstrations to fitness challenges, quizzes, and giveaways.
For more info to participate and on how to become an exhibitor e-mail register@uhealthdigest.com or call 280-3353, 680-3717.
"U Health and Wellness expo returns"