Investigations into fatal Courts shooting still ongoing

Investigations into the shooting spree that left two siblings dead and three others injured at the Courts Megastore car park are ongoing.
Since the December 17 shooting, PC Sidney Roberts, 34, of the Homicide Bureau of Investigations, has been charged with murder.
He was charged on Christmas Day with the murders of Simeon and Siniaya Lessey, 33 and 35 respectively, and with shooting with intent to do grievous bodily harm to another man. The charge was laid by Asst Supt Daniel Hernandez of the North Eastern Division.
Roberts was arrested in an exercise by the Professional Standards Bureau and was charged on the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Roger Gaspard.
Newsday spoke to the head of the Professional Standards Bureau, Snr Supt Suzette Martin, on Wednesday about whether the investigations could yield further charges against any person or people. Martin opted not to comment, saying an active investigation is ongoing. She added that several possibilities and outcomes could arise when the investigations are concluded including the possibility of future charges.
Police Complaints Authority (PCA) director David West told Newsday on Wednesday the authority continues to closely monitor the investigation.
Reports say Simeon, his common-law wife, his sister Siniaya and a family friend met a man, who had promised them items from the furniture store at a reduced price. They had already paid for the items, and became suspicious after their calls were ignored.
The siblings' mother, Abigail John, said they reported the initial transaction to the police, but tried to get the money back on their own.
Around 1.30 pm on December 17, the Lessey siblings, along with two other people, met up with Roberts at Courts Megastore on the Churchill Roosevelt Highway in Barataria, when the incident occurred. Simeon’s girlfriend, Kerry-Ann Moore, who was shot, was hospitalised. Her mother-in-law, John, said shortly afterwards she was doing well. An innocent bystander was also shot.
"Investigations into fatal Courts shooting still ongoing"