Latin women show off DJ skills

THE Mystique Club in Chaguanas recently hosted its inaugural Festival of Latin Women DJs in Trinidad and Tobago.
Eight female promoters of Latin events, Daisirys Rodriguez, Nathalye Nanez, Princess Lys, Azumi Tomikawa, Madeling “La Rusa,” Claudia Prado, Naty Marquez and Yessica Promotions showed off their skills as musical mixers.
Yessica Promotions, the main organiser of the event, said the objective was to highlight the talent of Latin women.
“All women are talented and Latinas demonstrate it with work, dedication and responsibility. We want to be examples for other women who, for some reason, are intimidated by the massive presence of male DJs.”
At the festival, each promoter took the stage with a male DJ who accompanied and guided them during their presentations.
“Male DJs are always open to supporting initiatives that promote unity, teamwork, brotherhood and, above all, gender equality, which is why we decided each of us would have the support of a male DJ,” Yessica Promotions said.
Each of the women chose her own musical style.
Rodriguez was accompanied by DJ Robert Flores and played Colombian vallenatos.
Nanez was supported by DJ Nino Guerrero in his repertoire of soca and calypso. Princess Lys was represented by DJs Reinaldo Carion and Carlos Ruiz with the salsa baul genre.
Yessica Promotions had the support of DJs Toto and Jose Miguel with a mix of varied sounds.
Azumi Tomikawa teamed with DJs Cristian Larez and Jose Miguel for her electronic genre presentation, while Madeling “La Rusa” and DJ Carlos Sotillo opted for salsa.
Prado with DJ Luis Progressive also did an electronic session, while Marquez with DJ Billy chose an Afro-styled mix.
Rodriguez said, “The idea was to give Latinos that comfort of feeling at home. Being able to play Latin music and being able to dance.”
Princess Lys said praised the women for coming together for the entertainment venture. She said, “We are women who work in the same field of organising Latin events, but each in their own area. That's why it's very nice to see how we all came together to show our talent and offer good shows to the public.”
"Latin women show off DJ skills"