God help us on Old Year's Night

THE EDITOR: Never before have we had so many complaints about the disturbance and fear being caused by fireworks prior to Old Year's Night. Though the frequency is not yet overbearing, the decibel levels of the spontaneous explosions have people and animals already traumatised, cursing Attorney General Reginald Armour with every breath they take.
So, too, we have not experienced the extent of commentary coming from all sectors pleading for compassion and responsibility in the use of fireworks. This includes from the TTPS and T&TEC, yet the government doesn't see it fit to take steps to protect the vulnerable.
The Summay Offences Act, Chapter 11.02, section 101 states, "The minister may make regulations prescribing the times, places and conditions on and at which fireworks may be let off or set fire to in towns." Yet the government takes no action to protect the citizens.
God help us on Old Year's Night, because the government won't, clearly demonstrating its inability to deal with crime.
Fireworks Action Coalition of TT
"God help us on Old Year’s Night"